Whilst most people are aware of the issues birds bring to airports, other wildlife is often overlooked as it’s not in the air. Terrestrial wildlife strikes are a frequent occurrence and can lead to significant damage, particularly on smaller aircraft.
Toowoomba Aerodrome operates both sealed and grass runways and hosts predominantly smaller general aircraft. When Naturecall Environmental was contacted, the aerodrome was experiencing significant risk due to very high numbers of European Hares feeding and breeding within and surrounding the airfield. In order to quickly and effectively control the risk, Naturecall provided a team of professional in house shooters to manage the non-native species.

Through regular control as well as fencing upgrades, the terrestrial wildlife hazard has been significantly reduced for a safer airfield.


Scope of environmental services

  • Ethical lethal control
  • Population surveys
  • Risk assessment
  • Management plan development
  • Airport consultation