Naturecall Environmental has been engaged to provide expert ecological and fauna management services for the Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas (GLNG) Gas Transmission Pipeline (GTP) project since 2011.

This pipeline, running approximately 420km in length, is being constructed from Injune to Gladstone, via Arcadia Valley, and is to transport gas downstream to Curtis Island. This pipeline is being constructed with various methods, including trenching and overland construction. In addition to the pipeline, ancillary structures such as camps, stockpiles and laydown yards, are also required for the project.

Scope of environmental services

  • Ecological ground trothing, assessment and reporting
  • Creation of fauna handling procedures
  • Project Management for fauna handling
  • Spotter-catcher team (over 25 personnel on rotation)
  • Pre-clearing fauna habitat surveys
  • DEHP reporting
  • De-watering creek crossings and aquatic fauna management