Naturecall Environmental was engaged by Seymour Whyte Pty Ltd to initially conduct declared weed and fauna habitat surveys, mapping and reporting for the upgrade of the Warrego Highway between Dalby and Jondaryan.

Further expert services including, Endangered, Vulnerable and Near Threatened (EVNT) flora surveys, Threatened Ecological Community (TEC) ground-truthing, ecological assessment, environmental compliance, spotter-catcher services and specialist spotter assessments.

These works are of high importance due to the presence of listed flora and fauna species.

Scope of environmental services

  • Declared weed field surveys, mapping and reporting
  • Pre-clearing fauna habitat survey, mapping and reporting
  • Spotter-catcher services
  • Burrowing frog spotter works
  • EVNT flora surveys
  • Threatened Ecological Community (TEC) ground-truthing
  • Ecological assessment survey and reporting
  • Environmental compliance